When you take a photograph, what makes you pause and capture that particular subject at that exact moment? Maybe you’ve never really thought about it – or maybe you have, but didn’t linger on it too much.
As an artist—a photographer and storyteller—I don’t always stop to analyze why I capture certain things or frame a shot the way I do. But there are times when I lift my camera, look through the lens, and think, Nah, not feeling it. There's something that clicks inside me when a moment truly resonates, a spark that says, Yes, this is it. That connection stems from how I feel and what I see in the frame that brings it to life. And sometimes, those emotions are clear in the final image; other times, they’re subtler, layered within the experience itself.
As I go back through images that moved me in the moment, they still inspire and excite me, even years later. The feeling I had when I was there comes rushing back the second I see them on my screen. That’s the essence behind my Abstract Aura Images!
Each of these images captures a bit of what I felt, what I experienced, in that moment. Take In a Cloud, for example. It’s more than just an image—it holds the feeling of that day: standing on the dock by the lake, soaking up the last rays of summer sunshine, surrounded by late-blooming flowers that seemed to linger just a bit longer before the chill of fall.